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Business Writing Training Packages
Business Writing for Executives and management
Writing professional business documents

Writing professional business documents, letters and emails.

Business Writing Skills Training

Executive & Management staff

An intensive business writing course training senior management and executives to improve business documents relating to operations, staff management and client services.

The highly-interactive workshops are run in-house to enable all executive and management staff to devise communication strategies relevant to their department as well as the organisation-wide.

Effective email communication (internal and external)
Reports & proposals
Tenders & publications
Persuasive writing techniques
Editing and proof reading skills

Course overview

The facilitator reviews existing relevant business reports, proposals and client templates before the training session before tailor-making a business writing training module specific to the organisation.

The trainer leads roundtable discussions on best practice business communications before critiquing each participant’s unique writing style during a one-on-one private consult.

Participants learn the contemporary business writing principles focusing on expressing key messages in clear, concise and persuasive language.

The trainer provides a de-brief report summarising key findings and recommendations arising from their professional observations during the training session.

Empower your team