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Business writing
Writing Christmas cards to clients

Writing Christmas cards to clients

Writing Skills training Melbourne

Writing Skills training Melbourne

T’is the season to thank clients
As Christmas draws nigh so does the time to reflect on how much you value your clients.

Showing appreciation in some small gesture can pay massive dividends in the ongoing customer loyalty bank.

It should present as a genuine effort to acknowledge clients that contributed to your bottom line during the past year. And make yourself memorable in the process.

Depending on the size of your client database, you may consider hand writing the card otherwise try personalising it in some manner by a quick comment or at the very least a handwritten signature.

Avoid including any promotional or marketing material in the thank you card as it will smack of a cynical marketing exercise lacking in sincerity.

At other times during the year, you may consider writing thank you letters to express gratitude for closing a new deal, loyal custom or for any referral they may have sent your way. It also pays to acknowledge people for any mentoring or guidance they may have provided or even for the opportunity to present a business proposal to them despite never securing a deal or contract.

Planting seeds for future business.

The aim at the end of the day is to remain memorable to people as you never know what opportunities may present themselves just around the corner.

Consider sending a business thank you letter to clients or contacts to express gratitude for:

  • Business referrals
  • Meeting new clients
  • Repeat business
  • Opportunity to present
  • Closing a deal
  • Losing a deal
  • Professional advice or mentoring

In each instance, use your own words to ensure sincerity and make it personal to the recipient. The personal touch means you’ll remain in their heads long after the deal is done.

You may consider buying a greeting card or custom-making your own with your company branding to leave a lasting impression.

For example: Christmas card

Dear Carole,

I really appreciate the support you have shown my business in the past year and look forward to working with you again in the new year.

In the meantime, I wish you a wonderful Christmas with your family and loved ones.

Warm regards,


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