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Promotional writing
Writing Skills training Melbourne

Writing Skills training Melbourne

It was Einstein who coined the infamous phrase: Creativity is 95% perspiration and 5% inspiration.

I am often asked for advice on how I overcome writer’s block. That infuriating feeling of staring at a blank piece of paper with pen poised (or empty screen) waiting for the words to flow. Yet instead of inspiration, nothing comes except procrastination, consternation and frustration.

The harder you push the harder it becomes to begin. Here’s what to do. Put down your pen or switch off your computer and walk away. Let go.

I believe the solution is unique for every individual but essentially it is about tapping into your own private creative process.

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Email writing format

How to structure professional business reports

Structuring your business documents by applying the easy-to-follow AEIOU format.

Many professionals are brimming with ideas and knowledge in their area of expertise but struggle to present their key messages in a coherent form.

Whether vying for a tender, submitting a business proposal or creating a marketing campaign, structuring your arguments in a clear logical pattern is critical if you want the reader to follow your lead.

The AEIOU formula ensures the central message takes centre stage in every business document which is not only well presented but mounts a convincing argument.

Attract Layout/ design
Font style; line spacing; word length
Letterhead and graphics
Page and margin alignment

Engage Captivating introductory paragraph
Secure interest at a glance by immediately identifying the relevance to the reader.

Upgrading staff skills in effective business communications is critical to presenting a professional image to key stakeholders and other relevant statutory and government bodies.

Leading companies recognise the importance of…

Responsible managers can no longer afford to ignore…

>Idea Supply relevant background information
Identify key features and benefits of products/ services offered by your business/ organisation that directly links to the opening sentence.

We offer comprehensive retail packages tailored to reduce costs to running your business. We specialise in….

>Offer Provide solution
Offer a recommendation designed to alleviate the problem or issue raised.

Our new (product name) package ideally suits your specific business needs by…
Our professional staff provides premium expertise…
We would like to offer your company…

yo>U Call to action
What do they need to do next?
Lead the way for them.

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Mastering persuasive writing techniques.
Do you have a great new idea or product but remain unsure as to the most powerful way to promote it in the market place?

Mastering the art of persuasive writing is one sure-fire method to get your message across to the right people.

The key to effective business writing is communicating your ideas in clear written expression by removing any road blocks that may distract from your message or create confusion in the reader’s mind.

1. Determine a simple message

Why is the idea or product so amazing? Why would they want to, or need to, buy it? How will they benefit or more convincingly, what do they risk losing if they fail to get on board? A succinct message that taps into their hopes and dreams or fears and insecurities is the most effective way to get their attention.

2. Identify your target audience

Who are you trying to convince? What are the general characteristics of the target group, namely their age, gender, social status, location and education levels. Once you have determined the relevant criteria then you can tailor your message to complement their values, beliefs and attitudes.

3. Use clear and concise language

Now that you have their attention make sure you don’t lose it through poor written communication skills. The language you adopt to sell your message needs to straight forward and picture-perfect to maintain a professional first impression.

4. Make it informative and entertaining

It is critical to strike a nice balance between providing relevant information and engaging their enthusiasm in your product or proposal. Too much dry information can destroy their interest while too much hyperbole can lead to distraction.

5. Write and rewrite and write again

Proof read you work. Ask someone else to proof read your work. If you make any changes, start the process over again.

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Powerful newsletters writing skills.

Powerful newsletters writing skills.

For many writing regular newsletters can be a real chore.

Coming up with new content, finding an interesting theme and then writing various tidbits of information and news can be difficult once, let alone on an ongoing basis.

It is critical from the outset to decide what role the newsletter is going to play in your business or organisation.

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Email writing format

Training your staff to write professional emails makes good business sense.

Overflowing inboxes is a common complaint among time-poor workers struggling to read their daily dose of electronic mail.

The key is to respect the fact that the person you are emailing is no doubt busy and fielding multiple requests for prompt replies from a broad array of sources each and every day.

Here are a few tips to business email etiquette that will increase the likelihood your email will not only be opened but also read and actioned in a timely manner.

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